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Where are the most unhealthy cities in the US?

It’s no secret that Americans have a problem with overeating. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 78.6 million American adults can be categorized as obese, making more than a third of the country susceptible to preventable health problems like high blood pressure, diabetes and heart disease. While a small subset of this group can attribute their weight to genetic conditions, the culprit in the majority of cases is simply poor diet and lack of exercise.

But exactly where are these Americans who aren’t taking care of their cell health as they should? 

03 Apr 2019 • 2 MIN Katie Vita
Where are the most unhealthy cities in the US?

It’s no secret that Americans have a problem with overeating. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 78.6 million American adults can be categorized as obese, making more than a third of the country susceptible to preventable health problems like high blood pressure, diabetes and heart disease. While a small subset of this group can attribute their weight to genetic conditions, the culprit in the majority of cases is simply poor diet and lack of exercise.

But exactly where are these Americans who aren’t taking care of their cell health as they should? Environment can be behind poor health behaviors as much as anything, and if you find that you live in an area of the country where everyone around you isn’t practicing the healthiest lifestyles, you might want to consider looking into cell health supplements and other ways to boost your physical well-being.

A healthy poll

Gallup is usually best known for its political surveys, but the 2014 Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index shrugged off ideologies in favor of investigating the relative health of the places Americans call home. Using a cross-section of 189 communities from coast to coast, Gallup identified the healthiest and unhealthiest counties in the country.

At the top of the list stood Utah’s Provo-Orem area, which scored a 71.4 out of 100 on Gallup’s Well-Being Index. Right behind Provo-Orem were Boulder, Colorado; Honolulu, Hawaii; and San Jose-Sunnyvale-Santa Clara, California.

“The least healthy county in the U.S. was the Huntington-Ashland area.”

With the good comes the bad, though, and for every healthy county, there were just as many unhealthy ones. Taking the dubious honor of the least healthy county in the U.S. was the Huntington-Ashland area that spans West Virginia, Kentucky and Ohio. While you might be tempted to stereotype the South as traditionally hesitant to eat vegetables and exercise, Redding, California, was named the third most unhealthy county in the country.

Supplement your life

No matter where you live, it can seem like an impossible struggle to change your eating and exercise patterns overnight no matter how much you should. Especially if you live in or near these unhealthy areas, you might have plenty of reinforcement from friends and family to not worry about proper nutrition and cell health.

However, the first step toward a clean bill of health doesn’t have to be a massive leap. For some people, the simple addition of a cell health supplement to their diets can be enough to get them off the couch and moving toward a healthier life.