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Are foods becoming less nutritious?

Even if you’re someone who has no clue what to do when it comes to crafting a comprehensive and satisfying diet, there was always the comfort on falling back on the four main food groups. No matter what hapless cook or desperate shopper you might be, if you could only manage to include a protein, grain, vegetable and fruit in every meal, you thought you’d given your body the fuel it needs for the day.

However, even the foods you once thought were healthy might be hiding a nasty secret...

02 Apr 2019 • 3 MIN Katie Vita
Are foods becoming less nutritious?

Even if you’re someone who has no clue what to do when it comes to crafting a comprehensive and satisfying diet, there was always the comfort on falling back on the four main food groups. No matter what hapless cook or desperate shopper you might be, if you could only manage to include a protein, grain, vegetable and fruit in every meal, you thought you’d given your body the fuel it needs for the day.

However, even the foods you once thought were healthy might be hiding a nasty secret: They might actually contain much fewer quantities of beneficial compounds. If you depend solely on food for all your nutritional needs, you might want to consider taking a cell health supplement to combat decreasing nutritional values of mass manufactured food products.

Soiled batch

The story of North American agriculture has been a rocky one. It was a game of subsistence before European settlers arrived on the continent, saw the Midwest transform into a Bread Basket and then a Dust Bowl, and now is home to thousands of farms that feed the U.S.’s 300 million citizens every day. However, the quality of their food might be missing something important.

"Protein, calcium, phosphorus, riboflavin and ascorbic acid were all seen to be in decline.”

According to a 2004 study conducted by researchers at the University of Texas and published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition, as many as 43 garden crops routinely grown by U.S. food manufacturers have exhibited marked reductions in phytonutrient composition. Donald Davis, Ph.D., professor of biochemistry and lead author of the study, cross-referenced results from lab analysis with historical data from the Department of Agriculture that dated back to 1950.

Davis found that common plants such as melons, strawberries, grains and many vegetables contain fewer beneficial nutrients today than they did before large-scale industrial farming increased crop yields by several magnitudes through the 1960s and 1970s. In particular, protein, calcium, phosphorus, riboflavin and ascorbic acid were all seen to be in decline at various rates ranging from 6 to 38 percent.

“Perhaps more worrisome would be declines in nutrients we could not study because they were not reported in 1950 – magnesium, zinc, vitamin B-6, vitamin E and dietary fiber, not to mention phytochemicals,” Davis said in a statement.

Supplementary nutrition

While mass-produced foods might be somewhat lacking in the nutritional department, there are still some superfoods that you can buy to complete your diet. However, these are likely difficult to find, stocked only by a specialty grocer across town, and they may be more expensive as a result of their scarcity. That’s what makes cell health supplement plans so worthwhile – not only do you get a guaranteed supply of all the compounds your body needs to stay fit at microscopic level, but you don’t need to alter your lifestyle to accommodate a strange new food into your life. With a simple supplement, you can enjoy all the benefits of a healthy body and a sound mind today.